thumbnail of 2024 Ilo – Profits and Poverty

ILO: Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour (2024)

thumbnail of Indikatorenliste

Service Centre: Inidicators for Labour Exploitation, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking (2022)

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ILO: Global Estimates of Modern Slavery Forced Labour and Forced Marriage (2022)

thumbnail of 2019 FRA – Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU – Workers‘

GRETA: 9th General Report on GRETA’s Activities (1 January to 31 December 2019) (2020)

thumbnail of 2021 HRC Implementation of the non-punishment clausel

Siobhán Mullally – Implementation of the non-punishment principle (2021)

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Work Time Calendar (English)

thumbnail of 2019 FRA – Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU – Workers‘

FRA: Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: workers’ perspectives (2019)

thumbnail of HEUNI Guidelines to prevent abusive recruitment, exploitative employment and trafficking of migrant workers in the Baltic Sea region (2014)

HEUNI: Guidelines to prevent abusive recruitment, exploitative employment and trafficking (2014)

thumbnail of FairWork Manual – Online tools for prevention of labour exploitation (2018)

FairWork: Manual Online tools for prevention of labour exploitation (2018)

ICMPD: The Role of Labour Inspection in the Context of Labour Exploitation (2017)